On Earth day I asked my Kindergarten students where they thought paper came from.
"That's easy!" came the reply from a lively little boy. "It comes from the printer. You click on the app on your computer and ask for paper and it comes out of the printer."
And so, yet again, evidence that our children are growing up in a world where computers are the answer to their questions.
Imagine their surprise when I showed them this short film about how paper is made along with Curious Cat who has a pair of learners exploring a paper making factory. We continued to explore ways in which we could "Help The Trees" by using less of the paper they made. They came up with some solutions as to how we could draw without using paper. Using the iPad we photographed their ideas to remind us of these actions in future lessons.
I then uploaded the photographs they took to Showbie where my Grade 4 students accessed the pictures. Their task was to turn the pictures into an educational poster which represents ways to save paper.
Leen (Grade 4) made use of Pic Colage.
Grade 5 students were assigned the task of creating a decorative "nature" poster.
We wanted to save paper for this project so it had to be a digital piece of art.
They had to use a drawing app of their choice. Once their picture was complete they opened it in a photo manipulation app to add effects and a third app to add text in the form of a slogan referring to an action which could be taken to aid the Earth. They enjoyed this app mash up. We discussed their progress on Showbie where they uploaded their final product.
Ayah (Grade 5) was innovative by creating an app mash up of Doodle Buddy, Repix and Educreations .
We are working hard at being "Green" in the Artroom.
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